About Me and This Blog

Hi there and welcome to my theater corner. Theatre take any form: from dance, drama, improv, cabaret, musical, to contemporary circus, ventriloquism, and puppeteering. As a drama aficionado, I believe that the magic of art performers resides in their ability to convey dream, feeling and thought. This belief is the root of my search of professional and independent theatre gems in bilingual Montreal.

The Delights section highlights productions that I attend, review and highly recommend monthly. If you wish to read past reviews, the Blog Archive is updated weekly. I also animate the theater segment of an Arts and Culture radio show on CKUT 90.3 FM every Monday morning. You can hear my live interviews in the Radio Interviews section, as well as catch us live at Listen to CKUT Radio. - MontrealDramaQueen

Delights to come/ Délices à venir...

Hi there and welcome back to MontrealDramaQueen!
Summer is slowly fading away, announcing the beginning of the theatrical fall season in Montreal.

I am very excited to announce the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery's new production called GORDON. The play is staged at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts from Oct 2 to 16. More details to come.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Shakespeare in the Park

Repercussion Theatre's mission is to bring classics to people where they live, and for free!
For this year's edition of Shakespeare-in-the-Park, Repercussion Theatre is staging Romeo & Juliet in parks all over Montreal from July 29th to August 22nd. In order to target a younger audience, the theatre team worked extensively on set design, costumes and sound to reflect today's pop culture.  

A detailed schedule is available on Repercussion Theatre's website. One can also reach them by telephone at 514.931.2644.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Festival OFFTA

Du 28 mai au 6 juin, la 4e édition du Festival OFFTA regroupe théâtre, danse, musique dans plusieurs espaces artistiques de Montreal. Avec plus de 200 artistes au programme, vous aurez l'embarras du choix.
Un incontournable est le chef d'oeuvre de Gaétan Nadeau intitulé Personal Jesus qui combine théâtre, danse et performance.
Pour la billetterie générale composez le (514) 282-3900 et pour plus de détails sur la programmation théâtrale, cliquez sur leur site.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rencontre de trois arts

Poésie, peinture et musique en direct! A l'écoute des poésies écrites et racontées par Caroline Legault, Annie-Claude Picard, artiste peintre, vous fera découvrir en images ce monde fabuleux et le tout enveloppé par le souffle musical de l’accordéoniste Luzio Altobelli.

Mercredi 26 mai, Bibliothèque de L’Île-Bizard, 500, montée de l’Église, 514-620-6257, entrée libre.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard is in town for one night only and you will be a fool to miss it!!! The self-acclaimed "travesti executif" will be at the Theatre St-Denis on Tuesday, May 25th. 

Tickets can be purchased directly from his website or contact the box office 514.790.1111.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mission Drive

Mission Drive stars from left to right Paula Costain (Mallory), Paul Van Dyck (Reverend Thad), Emily Skahan (Venus) and Kent Mcquaid (Lloyd). 
This dark comedy written by Ned Cox takes place in a small church on the verge of financial ruin run by young and inexperienced Reverend Thad. We witness his daily attempts to manage the church while struggling, unsuccessfully, to engage the decreasing number of attendees. Lloyd, a mysterious and unusual billionaire, enters the scene and offers to save the church and asks in exchange that Reverend Thad saves his soul. The remaining characters are Mallory and Venus, mother and daughter, who are taken in by the Reverend when they have no place to live. 

All actors are brilliant and convincing in their respective roles. Ned Cox's play is unexpectedly full of well-timed twists and turns. The idea of focusing this story on just four characters is a blessing as the playwright peels off the layers of their individual psyche with great care. The audience never knows what will happen next. An absolute must-see this month!

Playing at the Mainline Theatre, May 5-15, 2010. For more information, 514-849-3378 or www.mainlinetheatre.ca 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Les leçons de Maria Callas

Les leçons de Maria Callas écrite par Terrence McNally, traduite en français par Michel Tremblay avec une mise en scène signée Denise Filiatrault, met en vedette Louise Marleau (voir photo ci-jointe) dans le rôle de la plus grande cantatrice du 20ème siècle.  
L'entière pièce se déroule dans une des salles de spectacle de l'école de musique Juilliard à New York. La Diva y donne des Master Classes à des jeunes étudiants terrifiés. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Semaine Culturelle Cubaine à Montréal

De retour de Cuba, Vic Vogel et ses amis organisent la première édition de la Semaine Culturelle Cubaine à Montréal (11 au 19 avril 2010) dans le but de promouvoir la richesse de la culture cubaine.
François Gourd nous en dit plus sur cet événement lors de son passage à CKUT 90.3 FM. Cliquez sur le bouton play pour entendre l'entrevue.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Symfolium 11e édition: Université de Foulosophie

La 11e édition du cabaret de Symfolium animé par François Gourd a pour thème l'Université de Foulosophie. Réunissant artistes en tout genre, politiciens et comédiens, c'est l'occasion de retrouver l’enfant, le bouffon, l’artiste en vous. Cet événement se déroule uniquement le 1er avril, au Lion d'Or, 1690 Ontario, 514.598.0709. Billets en vente à l'Echange, 713 Mont-Royal E.

Pour entendre notre entretien avec ce personnage coloré, accompagné d'Annie-Claude Picard, artiste-peintre, cliquez sur le bouton play.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Father Land

Father Land follows two parallel stories. In Westmount, the father of 15-year-old Eric Brook is trying to deal with his brother's deviant behaviour. In the American-occupied city of Mosul, Saddam Hussein's sons have taken refuge in a villa. 
Starring Neil Napier and Howard Rosenstein (previously in The Daily Miracle), the play written by Arthur Holden examines the bonds and limits of male relationships: father and son, and brother to brother. March 11-28 at Bain St Michel. Box office: 514.987.1774.

To hear a live radio review of this play on CKUT 90.3 FM, click on play.


Énée doit fuir pour survivre. Son père sur les épaules, son enfant à la main, il court dans les rues avec les siens afin de s’échapper. Ils trouvent un bateau, partent à la dérive, laissant derrière eux un pays en flammes. L'Énéide relate leur long voyage, leur quête incessante d'un nouveau monde.

Pour entendre ma critique sur les ondes de CKUT, cliquez sur le bouton play.

Du 10 au 20 mars à l'Espace Libre, 1945 Fullum. Billeterie: 514.521.4191.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Line In The Sand

Set in the desert of the Persian Gulf, A Line In the Sand is the story of Mercer, a troubled Canadian soldier and Sadiq, a teenage Palestinian, who meet in the fall of 1990 during Operation Desert Shield. Overlooking vast cultural differences, the two develop a secret friendship that is violently severed by the torture and murder of the 16-year-old boy inside the Canadian base. March 8-21 at the Seagal Centre Studio. Box office: 514.848.9696.

Old Winked Songs

Stephen Hoffman, a brilliant young American piano prodigy, ventures to Vienna in the hope of re-igniting his artistic spark. Old Wicked Songs was performed recently in French at Théâtre du Rideau Vert under the title Une musique inquiétante. Based on my initial review of the play, this production should only be just as great. Playing at the Seagal Centre, March 7-21. Box office: 514.739.7944.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Le Salon Automate - Festival Les 3 Jours Casteliers

Le Salon Automate est une création de l'imaginaire de son auteure et interprète Nathalie Claude. Une femme, solitaire et nostalgique d'une certaine époque, récrée pour son divertissement un salon littéraire avec comme invités des automates de grandeur humaine dotés de parole.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trying For The Kingdom

From the same gang who brought us the amazing Haunted Hillbilly last December, Trying For The Kingdom is sure to be another win for the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery. Bringing together the same talented ensemble (Patrick Costello, Gemma James-Smith and Kyle Gatehouse), this one-act production, described as an album/play, promises exciting and non-narrative music from the likes of Iggy Pop and David Byrne. 

Feb 23 to 27 @ Segal Centre, Studio. 

For tickets and show times, go to seagalcentre.org. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Mid-Life Crisis of Dionysus

The Mid-Life Crisis of Dionysus stars Paul Van Dyck as Dionysus. That alone is worth making the journey to the Mainline Theatre. Some regular theatre patrons probably remember catching Paul's past memorable performances in Haunted last fall, as well as in Paradise Lost and The Real Inspector Hound last summer.
However let's face it, Paul has many gifts but sing and dance are not his forte! But no worries, the brilliant chorus ensemble of fourteen woo you with their funky moves and singing/performing abilities. 
Click on play to hear my review on CKUT 90.3 FM.