Father Land follows two parallel stories. In Westmount, the father of 15-year-old Eric Brook is trying to deal with his brother's deviant behaviour. In the American-occupied city of Mosul, Saddam Hussein's sons have taken refuge in a villa.
Starring Neil Napier and Howard Rosenstein (previously in The Daily Miracle), the play written by Arthur Holden examines the bonds and limits of male relationships: father and son, and brother to brother. March 11-28 at Bain St Michel. Box office: 514.987.1774.
To hear a live radio review of this play on CKUT 90.3 FM, click on play.
Delights to come/ Délices à venir...
Hi there and welcome back to MontrealDramaQueen!
Summer is slowly fading away, announcing the beginning of the theatrical fall season in Montreal.
I am very excited to announce the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery's new production called GORDON. The play is staged at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts from Oct 2 to 16. More details to come.