Mission Drive stars from left to right Paula Costain (Mallory), Paul Van Dyck (Reverend Thad), Emily Skahan (Venus) and Kent Mcquaid (Lloyd).
This dark comedy written by Ned Cox takes place in a small church on the verge of financial ruin run by young and inexperienced Reverend Thad. We witness his daily attempts to manage the church while struggling, unsuccessfully, to engage the decreasing number of attendees. Lloyd, a mysterious and unusual billionaire, enters the scene and offers to save the church and asks in exchange that Reverend Thad saves his soul. The remaining characters are Mallory and Venus, mother and daughter, who are taken in by the Reverend when they have no place to live.
All actors are brilliant and convincing in their respective roles. Ned Cox's play is unexpectedly full of well-timed twists and turns. The idea of focusing this story on just four characters is a blessing as the playwright peels off the layers of their individual psyche with great care. The audience never knows what will happen next. An absolute must-see this month!
Playing at the Mainline Theatre, May 5-15, 2010. For more information, 514-849-3378 or www.mainlinetheatre.ca