About Me and This Blog

Hi there and welcome to my theater corner. Theatre take any form: from dance, drama, improv, cabaret, musical, to contemporary circus, ventriloquism, and puppeteering. As a drama aficionado, I believe that the magic of art performers resides in their ability to convey dream, feeling and thought. This belief is the root of my search of professional and independent theatre gems in bilingual Montreal.

The Delights section highlights productions that I attend, review and highly recommend monthly. If you wish to read past reviews, the Blog Archive is updated weekly. I also animate the theater segment of an Arts and Culture radio show on CKUT 90.3 FM every Monday morning. You can hear my live interviews in the Radio Interviews section, as well as catch us live at Listen to CKUT Radio. - MontrealDramaQueen

Delights to come/ Délices à venir...

Hi there and welcome back to MontrealDramaQueen!
Summer is slowly fading away, announcing the beginning of the theatrical fall season in Montreal.

I am very excited to announce the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery's new production called GORDON. The play is staged at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts from Oct 2 to 16. More details to come.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Urban Tales

Unfortunately for a third-year run, this year's edition was a disappointment. The cast of four had the daunting and challenging task of telling eight stories. Some were great, most were weak on delivery.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Personal Jesus

Il s’agit d’un one man show de Gaétan Nadeau qui rassemble le théâtre traditionnel, l’image vidéo, ainsi que la danse.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Haunted Hillbilly

This is a country and western musical adaptation of a novel by the same title written by canadian Derek McCormack. Click on the play button to hear my review on CKUT.

In this fantastic and extremely entertaining production, Hyram Woodside (Patrick Costello) is an aspiring singer/song writer who wishes to make it big on the country music scene. One day Nudie (Greg Kramer), a very spooky looking gay couturier offers to design Hyram's costumes, and to turn him into an overnight success. This play questions our moral struggles, as well as traps of wanting fame and adoration.

December 6 to 20. Seagal Centre.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Romances et karaoké

La pièce, qui s’adresse à un public adolescent, comporte 5 personnages.
Julie a tout pour bien vivre son adolescence. Elle est mignonne et adulée par le sexe opposé et n’a pas peur de s’exprimer. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Contes Urbains

Vous passerez une agréable soirée avec huit contes. Voici mes coups de coeur:

La Chienne  parle d’un couple qui essaye depuis peu de fonder une famille. La veille de Noël, le 24 décembre, Nancy, se rend compte que sa grossesse se déroule mal. Cette triste situation crée une fissure au sein du jeune couple. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Suburban Motel

A 6-play series written by George F. Walker. All plays take place in the same dingy hotel. This review is on Featuring Loretta and The End of Civilization.

Ze Psykotyk Happening Project ou la mort d'Alice

Ce Kabeuret dit “post post-existentiel” déstabilisant et loufoque regroupe des artistes et non-artistes de divers disciplines: danse contemporaine, théâtre de rue et arts visuels.
Peter James, artiste multidisciplinaire, est l’hôte de cette variété cheapette pour 3 soirs.
26, 27 & 28 Nov. Theatre La Chapelle

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Cette pièce nous expose des scènes typiques dans une vie urbaine. Des passagers sont coincés à l'aéroport à la suite d'une alerte à la bombe. Un homme et une femme commettent l'adultère.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be My Baby

It is the sixties. Mary Adams is 19 years old and seven months pregnant. She is forced to leave her home and stay at a mother and baby home until the birth of her child. Click on the play button to hear my full radio review.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just in time for Halloween, this is the true tale of Ester Cox who in 1879 became the most well documented poltergeist event in Canadian history.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Way Veronica!

Des chercheurs mâles sur une île sub-antarctique sont constamment pertubés par une “vamp nymphomane” qui essaye éperdument de pénétrer leur base.

Cliquez sur le bouton "play" pour entendre ma critique sur la station CKUT 90.3 FM.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rock, Paper, Jackknife...

In a village far north, a shipment of alcohol is dumped on the icy shore. This shipment carries five young children who’ve been locked in a container for a month now. Click on the play button to hear my review on radio.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


C’est l’histoire d’une rencontre de deux Québécois (Benoît qui est professeur et Paul qui est acteur) par hasard à Paris Plages en France. Cliquez sur le bouton "play" pour entendre ma critique-radio.

Monday, September 14, 2009

4.48 Psychosis

This is the story of a mind struggling to live and struggling to die. Click on "play" to hear my review aired on CKUT 90.3 FM.

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is essentially a play with music, written by Stephen Temperley that tells the story of the career of American soprano Florence Foster Jenkins (1868-1944).
Click on the play button to hear my review on CKUT.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Whiteman's Whiskey Comedy Revue

5-star rating for entertainment and trip down memory lane. To hear my review, click on the play button.
This is a play that will take you back to the 1950s: smoking is good for you, any decent man carries at least 2 handguns at home, women’s occupation was limited to housewife….and whiskey is a potion that cures everything.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Paradise Lost

This is a brilliantly written, directed and performed one man show by Paul Van Dyck. Adapted from the poem of the same title written by the 17th century poet John Milton, the play centers around three main characters: Adam, Eve, and the Fallen Angel Satan.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Improvised Shakespeare Company

This dynamic and endearing talent box is comprised of 5 gentlemen from Chicago. Each actor player holds solid improv. training, as well as an impressive knowledge of the Elizabethan genre. Click on the play button to hear my radio review.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Once and for all we’re gonna tell you who we are so shut up and listen

A beautiful piece of art with thirteen different characters on one stage at the same time. Brilliantly executed by teenagers that engage the audience through an experience of a typical teenager’s emotional roller-coaster: from anger, to passion to love, frustration, hunger for more. Click on the play button to hear my review aired on CKUT 90.3 FM.

July 14-19, 21-26 at the Monument National.