About Me and This Blog

Hi there and welcome to my theater corner. Theatre take any form: from dance, drama, improv, cabaret, musical, to contemporary circus, ventriloquism, and puppeteering. As a drama aficionado, I believe that the magic of art performers resides in their ability to convey dream, feeling and thought. This belief is the root of my search of professional and independent theatre gems in bilingual Montreal.

The Delights section highlights productions that I attend, review and highly recommend monthly. If you wish to read past reviews, the Blog Archive is updated weekly. I also animate the theater segment of an Arts and Culture radio show on CKUT 90.3 FM every Monday morning. You can hear my live interviews in the Radio Interviews section, as well as catch us live at Listen to CKUT Radio. - MontrealDramaQueen

Delights to come/ Délices à venir...

Hi there and welcome back to MontrealDramaQueen!
Summer is slowly fading away, announcing the beginning of the theatrical fall season in Montreal.

I am very excited to announce the Sidemart Theatrical Grocery's new production called GORDON. The play is staged at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts from Oct 2 to 16. More details to come.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


C’est l’histoire d’une rencontre de deux Québécois (Benoît qui est professeur et Paul qui est acteur) par hasard à Paris Plages en France. Cliquez sur le bouton "play" pour entendre ma critique-radio.

Monday, September 14, 2009

4.48 Psychosis

This is the story of a mind struggling to live and struggling to die. Click on "play" to hear my review aired on CKUT 90.3 FM.